
标题: Occurrence of plastic debris in the stomach of the invasive crab
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发布时间: 2019-01-15 13:17:45
信息简介: The Chinese mitten crab is known as a pest causing damage to fishing gears and fish.On the other hand, this highly invasive species is considered a delicacy by Asianmigrants and therefore commercially fished and sold inmany countries. The ingestion of plastic by the Chinesemitten crab Eriocheir sinensis from the Baltic coastalwaters (Poland) and the Tagus Estuary (Portugal)was studied based on stomach content analysis. Asmany as 13% of the 302 analysed males and females (38.07–89.07mmcarapace width) fromboth regions, contained microplastic in the form of strands and balls. Most of them were transparent. Ingested plastic particles were identified as fragments of fishing gears. Contamination with plastic may have a negative impact on this species as well as on higher trophic levels feeding on crabs

版权所有:舟山赛莱特海洋科技有限公司 浙ICP备19004375号

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